(as of October 4, 1999)


[Nota bene:  This bibliography is incomplete - it does not yet contain material from archives, correspondence, interviews and similar documentation, as well as additional primary office textual material (such as the interim versions of the Liturgy of the Hours, for example).   A complete bibliography will be included with the text which is being prepared for publication.]



    The Anglican Breviary containing the Divine Office according to the general usages
            of the Western Church [edited by Rev. Joseph Crookston, OSF].  Mt. Sinai,
            Long Island, New York:  Frank Gavin Liturgical Foundation, 1955
            [reprinted privately by Daniel James Lula, 1998].

    [Bea, Augustin, S.J.], compiler. Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis. Editio
            Amplior  Latin-German. Turin-Rome:  Marietti, 1953.

    Breviarium Ambrosianum. Milano: Daverio, 1957.

    Breviarium Ad Usum Congregationis Sancti Mauri, Ordinis Sancti Benedicti. Vienna:
            Typographia Mechitaristica, 1842

    Breviarium Cisterciense.  Westmalle:  Typographia Ordinis Cisterciensum Reformatorum
            seu Strictioris Observantiae, 1907.

    Breviarium Congregationis Sancti Mauri Ordinis Sancti Benedicti. Ad usum
            Archi-Coenobii Sancti Martini de Sacro Pannoniae eiusdem ordinis editum.
            Budapest: Consortium Stephanei, 1914.

    Breviarium Monasticum. Summorum Pontificorum Cura Recognitum pro omnibus
            sub regula militantibus jussu Abbatis Primatis Editum. Turin: Marietti, 1963.

    Breviarium Ordinis Fratrum Beatissimae Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmelo. Juxta
            Hierosolymitanae EccelsiaeAntiquamConsuetudinem. Tournai: Desclee & Socii, 1938.

    Breviarium Premonstratense. Mechlin: H. Dessain, 1953.

    Breviarium Romanum Ex Decreto SS. Concilii Tidentini Restitutum Summorum Pontificum
            Cura Recognitum. Cum textu psalmorum e versione Pii Papae XII auctoritate edita.
            Editio juxta typicam. Milan: Daverio, 1961

    Breviarium Sacri Ordinis Cartusiensis. (Approved by the Congregation of Rites
            on 14 March, 1864). Charterhouse of Notre-Dame-des-Pres:  Typis S. Maria
            de Patris, 1879.

    Breviary according to the rite of the Order of Preachers. Dublin: St. Saviour's, 1967.

    [Cameron, Peter-John, O.P., editor-in-chief] Magnificat (a monthly issue which includes
            Mass and a short office for Morning and Evening each day, approved by the NCCB)
            Rockville, Maryland: Magnificat USA, c 1998.

    Celebrating Common Prayer. A version of The Daily Office SSF. London: Mowbray,

    Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours. Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer,
            Daytime Prayer,  Night Prayer, Office of Readings (Selections). Translated by
            the International Commission on English in the Liturgy. St. Paul Editions.
            Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, 1976.

    Christuslob. Das Stundengebet in der Gemeinschaft. Edited by Maurus Neuhold, OSB &
            Heinrich Rohr. Freiburg:  Christophorus-Verlag Freibourg in Breisgau, Herder
            Freibourg, Basel, 1977.

    Christuslob Am Morgen und Abend. Kurzausgabe des Officium Divinum Parvum von
            P. Hildebrand Fleischmann OSB neu bearbeteitet und erweitert. Edited by Maurus
            Neuhold, OSB & Heinrich Rohr. Freibourg in Breisgau & Basel-Wien: Christophorous
            Verlag & Herder, 1970.

    The Day Hours of the Church of England. Revised Edition. Longmans, Green & Co., 1909.

    The Day Hours of the Roman Breviary. Edited by Lancelot C. Sheppard. Tournai,
            London, Tours: Desclee & Co., Burns & Oates, Maison Mame, 1967.

    The Day Office for Lauds, the Little Hours, Vespers and Compline throughout the
            year and for the seasons (Advent to Pentecost). West Malling, England:  St. Mary's
            Abbey, n.d.

    Diurnale Cartusiense cum Officio B. Virginis Mariae necnon Officio Defunctorum.
            Parkminster, England:  St. Hugh's Press, 1936.

    Diurnum Ordinis Fratrum Beatissimae de Monte Carmelo. Tournai: Desclee, Lefebvre &
            Sociorum, 1897.

    The Divine Office Canonical and Liturgical. For Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy
            Saturday  Cottonwood, Idaho:  St. Gertrude's Press, n.d.

    The Divine Office. Latin-English. Edited by William G. Heidt, O.S.B. Collegeville, Minnesota:
            The Liturgical Press, 1963.

    The Divine Office for the Laity.  Latin-English. vol 3. [n.p.], 1763.

    Divine Praise. An Adaptation of the Day Hours of the Benedictine Monastic Breviary.
            St. Meinrad, Indiana:  St. Meinrad's Abbey, 1953.

    Dominican Prayer Book. 4th ed. Rome: Curia Generalizia O.P., 1962.

    Every Day We Praise You. Prayers, Readings and Devotions for the Year
            Including Morning and Evening Prayer from the "Liturgy of the Hours" (1st Week)
            Edited by Victor Hoagland, C.P. and Maureen Skelly. New York: Catholic Book
            Publishing Company, 1978.

    Five-Week Psalter. (inclusive language). Edited by Sr. Marilyn Schauble, OSB.
            Erie, Pennsylvania:  Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Inc., 1985.

    [Fleischmann, Hildebrand, O.S.B.], compiler & editor. Officium Divinum Parvum
            Bearbeitet und Herausgegeben Im Auftrag Des Liturgischen Referates der Fuldaer
            Bischofskonferenz. Latin-German. Freibourg: Verlag Herder, 1951.

    [Fleischmann, Hildebrand, OSB], compiler. The Divine Office. [Officium Divinum Parvum].
            Translated by Edward E. Malone, O.S.B. from the German edition of 1958. New
            York: Herder & Herder, Inc., 1959.

    [Fleischmann, Josef {Hildebrand, OSB}], Compiler & Editor. Volksbrevier. 7th ed.
            Kolmar im Elsass Alsatia Verlag, n.d.

    [Fleischmann, {P.} Hildebrand, OSB], compiler & editor. Officium Divinum Parvum.
            Bearbeitet und herausgegeben im Auftrag des Liturgischen Referates der Fuldaer
            Bischofskonferenz.  8th ed. Freiburg: Verlag Herder, 1958.

    [Galley, Howard], Compiler & Editor. Morning and Evening Prayer. With selected Psalms
            and Readings for the Church Year. 1994 reprint. New York: The Church Hymnal
            Corporation, 1983.

    [Graf, Thomas], O.S.B., compiler & editor. Bruederoffizium. Der Benediktiner-Kongregation
            von St. Ottilien fuer auswaertige Missionen. 2d ed. Edited by Gislar Aulinger, O.S.B.
            Erzabtei St. Ottilien (Bavaria): Eos Offizin, 1951.

    Handbook of Prayers. Edited by Reverend James Socias. Princeton, New Jersey & Chicago,
            Illinois  Scepter Publishers & Midwest Theological Forum, 1995.

    Horae Diurnae Breviarii Juxta Ritum Ordinis Fratrum B.V. Mariae de Monte Carmelo.
            Tournai: Desclee & Socii, 1935.

    Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani. (1757 edition with Franciscan propers). Antwerp:
            Plantiniana, 1755.

    Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani. [editio octava post typicam]. Ratisbon: Frederick Pustet,

    Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani. Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini. editio tertia
            juxta typicam. Tours:  Alfred Mame & Sons, 1932.

    Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani. (Pius XII Psalter of 1945). editio tertia post typicam.
            Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1958.

    Horae Diurnae Juxta Ritum Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum. Rome: S. Sabina, 1956.

     [Keller, Theo], Compiler & Editor. Advent Vespers. Solemn Evening Prayer from the
            Liturgy of the Hours with Benediction. (4) booklets for each of the Sundays of
            Advent.  Richmond Hill, New York:  St. Benedict Joseph Labre Church, 1996.

    ------, Compiler & Editor.Sunday Evening Prayer II. - (Ordinary Time) Solemn Vespers
            (Sunday Evening Prayer) from The Liturgy of the Hours. Brooklyn, New York: Our Lady
            of Refuge Church, 1990.

    ------, Compiler & Editor. Sunday Evening Prayer II - Lent. Brooklyn, New York:
            Our Lady of Refuge Church, 1990.

    Laudes & Vepres Des Fetes. Les Heures Monastiques Latin-Francais a l'abbaye
            Saint-Pierre de Solesmes Solesmes:  Abbaye Saint-Pierre, 1984.

    Laudes Du Matin. Les Heures Monastiques Latin-Francais a l'abbaye Saint-Pierre de
            Solesmes.  Solesmes: Abbaye Saint-Pierre, 1995.

    The Little Office of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. 1991 reprint. Aylesford, Kent, England:
            Carmelite Fathers, 1975.

    The Little Office of Our Lady. Printed from Hand-Set Type. Milwaukee: The Bruce
            Publishing Company, 1944.

    The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary in English. Simply Arranged for Use by
            Lay People  Quincy, Illinois:  Franciscan Press of Quincy University,
            10th printing, 1979.  Original: 1945.

    Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.  According to the 
            Carmelite Rite.  Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1955.

    Liturgia Horarum. Juxta Ritum Romanum. Editio typica altera. Vatican City, 1985, 1986.

    The Liturgy of the Hours. According to the Roman Rite. New York: Catholic Book
            Publishing Co., 1975.

    Manuale Christianum. Mechlin: H. Dessain, 1926.

    Manuale Christianum. Mechlin: H. Dessain, n.d. [but after 1945].

    [McDonald, {Reverend} Vincent Maria, O. Carm.], Compiler. Little Office of the Blessed
            Virgin of Mount Carmel with The Office of the Dead According to the Carmelite
            Rite. Latin-English  New York: Scapular Press, 1953.

    [McNally, Thomas, C.S.C. and William G. Storey], Compiler]. Lord Hear Our Prayer.
            [6th printing 1990]  Notre Dame,  Indiana: Ave Maria Press, 1978.

    Monachorum Solesmensium, Cura et Studio. Psalterium Cum Canticis Novi & Veteris
            Testamenti Juxta Regulam S.P.N. Benedicti & Alia Schemata Liturgiae
            Horarum Monasticae. Cum Cantu Gregoriano. Solesmes & Paris-Tournai:  Abbaye
            Saint-Pierre de Solesmes & Desclee, 1981.

    Monastic Liturgy of the Hours, Vol. I. Shawnee, Oklahoma: St. Gregory's Abbey, n.d., but
            after 1974.

    Monastiches Brevier. Entwurf eines neuen deutschen Studengebetes. 4th ed.
            Muensterschwarzach  Vier-Tuerme-Verlag, 1976.

    [Monks of Encalcat Abbey], Compilers and Editors. Book of Hours. Latin-English. Dourgne,
            Tarn,  France:  Editions D'Encalcat, 1955/1956.

    ------, Compilers & Editors.Livre d'Heures. Latin-Francais. Edited by Monks of Encalcat
            Abbey  Dourgne France: Editions D'Encalcat, 1952.

    ------, Compilers & Editors. Office de la Sainte Vierge.  Latin-French   Edited by Monks of
            Encalcat Abbey.  Dourgne,  France.  Abbaye D'Encalcat.  1960.

    ------, compilers. Office of Our Lady. Latin-English.  General Editor,  Archdale A. King.
            London  Darton, Logmann & Todd, Ltd., 1962/1963.

    ------, compilers. Officium Marianum. Latin-German. Edited by Monks of Encalcat
            Abbey and translated by the Monks of Seckau Abbey from original Latin-French
            edition of 1959 , 2 vols.  Freibourg   Herder, 1962/1963.

    [Monks of Solesmes], compilers. Liber Hymnarius Cum Invitatoriis & Aliquibus
            Responsoriis.  Antiphonale Romanum Secundum Liturgiam Horarum
            Ordinemque Cantus Officii Dispositum - Tomus Alter. Solesmes (& Paris-Tournai):
            Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes (& Desclee), 1983.

    [Monks of St. John's Abbey], Compilers & Translators. The Monastic Diurnal or Day
            Hours of the Monastic Breviary.  [in Latin and English]. 2d ed. Mechlin, Belgium:
            H. Dessain, 1952.

    ------, Compilers & Translators. The Monastic Diurnal or Day Hours of the Monastic
            Breviary. [in Latin and English]. 3d ed. Mechlin, Belgium: H. Dessain, 1955.

    ------, Compilers & Translators.The Monastic Diurnal or Day Hours of the Monastic
            Breviary.[in Latin and English].4th ed. Mechlin, Belgium: H. Dessain, 1960.

    ------, Compilers & Translators. The Monastic Diurnal or Day Hours of the Monastic
            Breviary. [in Latin and English]. 5th ed. Mechlin, Belgium: H. Dessain, 1963.

    ------. Book of Prayer for Personal Use. Abridged and simplified by Monks of St. John's
            Abbey from the Liturgia Horarum wholly revised 4th edition of A Short Breviary.
            Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1975.

    Morning and Evening Prayer. With Night Prayer from The Divine Office. 1999
            reprint.  London, Sydney, Dublin: Collins, E. J. Dwyer, Talbot, 1976.

    Morning and Evening Prayer. Selections from The Liturgy of the Hours. The Official
            Prayer of the Church  Edited for Popular Use. Edited by Rev. D. Joseph Finnerty &
            Rev.George Ryan. New York: Regina Press, 1978.

    Office of Readings, The.  (from The Liturgy of the Hours). Translated by the International
            Commission on English in the Liturgy. St. Paul Editions.  Boston: Pauline Books
            & Media (Daughters of St. Paul), 1984.

    Officium Divinum. Kansas City, Missouri: Angelus Press, 1995.

    Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae et Octavae Paschatis Juxta Ritum Carmelitarum.
            Necnon Missa Resurrectionis cum ordinario Missae interpositis Rubricis. Tournai: Typis
            Societatis S. Joannis,  Desclee, Lefebvre et Sociorum, 1899.

    Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis Juxta Ritum Carmelitanum.   Tournai,
            Belgium (also at Rome & Paris):Desclee & Socii, 1939.

    [Parsch, Pius], Compiler & Editor. Sonn-und Festtagsbrevier. Translated by Pius Parsch.
            Klosterneunberg bei Wien:  Volksliturgisches Apostolat, 1932.

    The Prayer Book Office. Anglican Divine Service. (1967 printing). Edited by Paul Hartell.
            New York: Morehouse-Barlow Co., 1944.

    Psalm Prayers for Morning and Evening. Arranged for the daily Hours. Edited by Brian
            Magee, CM. Dublin: Veritas Publications, 1990.

    Psalterium Breviarii Monastici. Editio Tertia.  Bruges:  Desclee de Brouwer et Socii, 1934

    Psalterium Breviarii Romani. Cum excerptis e communi sanctorum secundum novam e
            textibus primigeniis interpretationem Latinam Pii Papae XII auctoritate editum. Editio
            juxta typicam. Tournai: Declee & Cie., 1945.

    Psalterium Breviarii Romani. Secundum editionem quintam {1956) post typicam. Mechlin:
            H.Dessain, 1957.

    Roman Breviary. Edited by Bede Babo, O.S.B. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1965.

    Roman Breviary in English. 4 vols. Edited by [Rt. Rev. Msgr.] Joseph A. Nelson. New
            York  Benziger Brothers, Inc., 1951.

    [Rotelle, John E., O.S.A.], Compiler & Editor. Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
            New York  Catholic Book Publishing Co., 1988.

    A Short Breviary. For Religious and the Laity. Edited by Monks of St. John's Abbey.
            Collegeville, Minnesota: St. John's Abbey Press, 1941.through 1951

    A Short Breviary. For Religious and the Laity. 2d ed. Edited by OSB William G. Heidt.
            Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1954.

    A Short Breviary For Religious and the Laity. 3d ed. Edited by OSB William G. Heidt.
            Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1962.

    Shorter Christian Prayer. The Four Week Psalter of the Liturgy of the Hours Containing
            Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer with selections for the Entire Year. New York:
            Catholic Book Publishing Company, 1988.

    A Shorter Morning Morning and Evening Prayer. The Psalter of the Divine Office with
            selected texts for the Seasons,  Feasts of the Lord and Solemnities. 1999. London: Wm
            Collins Sons & Co Ltd, 1983.

    A Shorter Prayer During the Day. The Psalter of The Divine Office with selected texts
            for the Seasons, Feasts of the Lord, and Solemnities. Glasgow: William Collins
            Sons & Co Ltd., 1986.

    Simplified Morning and Evening Prayer. An Introduction to the Divine Office. Edited
            by John Brook.  London:  HarperCollins Publishers, 1997.

    St. John's Abbey Prayer. St. John's Abbey: Collegeville, Minnesota, 1971.

     [Spencer, Bonnell, OHC], compiler. A Monastic Breviary. reprinted 1998. Edited by the
            Order of the Holy Cross and the Order of Saint Helena (Anglican) Holy Cross.
            West Park, New York: Holy Cross Publications, 1976.

    [Stallaert, C.ss.R.], compiler and editor. Psalterium. Latin-nederlands. Nijmegen: Centrale
            Drukerij n.v., 1939.

    [Stallaert, Door Th., C.ss.R. en De Abdij van Berne-Heeswijk], compilers.Klein Brevier.
            2d ed.Haarlem-Antwerp:  Uitgeverij  J.H. Gottmer, 1957.

    [Stallaert, Th., C.SS.R.], compiler. The Little Breviary. For the use of both Religious and
            Layfolk containing in simplified form all the offices of the Roman Breviary. Translated
            by [Dame] Gertrude Brown, O.S.B. Haarlem-Antwerp & Westminister, Maryland:
            J.H. Gottmer & The Newman Press, 1957.

     [Storey, William G., D.S.M.], compiler. Morning Praise and Evensong. A Book of
            Common Prayer   Compiled from the Roman Breviary. Notre Dame, Indiana: Fides
            Publishers, Inc., 1963.

    Sutera, Judith, O.S.B. Work of God. Benedictine Prayer. Collegevile, Minnesota:
            The Liturgical Press, 1998.

    Tierce, Sexte, None & Complies. Les Heures Monastiques Latin-Francais a l'abbaye
            Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Solesmes: Abbaye Saint-Pierre, 1984.

    Vepres Au Temps Ordinaire. Les Heures Monastiques Latin-Francais a l'abbaye
            Saint-Pierre de Solesmes  Solesmes:  Abbaye Saint-Pierre, 1984.

    [Wintersig, Athanasius, O.S.B.], Compiler & Editor.Laienbrevier. Tagzeitengebet im
            Geiste der Liturgie Berlin: Sankt Augustinus Verlag, 1928/1929.

    Zimmerman Joyce Ann, C.PP.S., et al. Pray Without Ceasing. Prayer for Morning &
            Evening  Collegeville, Minnesota:  The Liturgical Press, 1993.


    Anson, Peter F. The Call of the Cloister. Religious Communities and kindred bodies in the
            Anglican Communion. Second Revised Edition. London: SPCK, 1956.

    ------. The Call of the Desert. London: SPCK, 1964.

    The Assisi Papers. Proceedings of the First International Congress of Pastoral Liturgy,
            Assisi-Rome, September 18-22, 1956. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press,

    The Awakening Church. 25 Years of Liturgical Renewal. Edited by Lawrence J. Madden,
            S.J.  Collegeville, Minnesota:  The Liturgical Press, 1992.

    Barry, Colman J., O.S.B. Worship and Work. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press,

    Baska, [Sister] Mary Regina, O.S.B. "The Benedictine Congregation of Saint Scholastica:
            Its Foundation and Development (1852-1930)." A Dissertation. Washington: The
            Catholic University of America, 1935.

    Benedictines of Stanbrook. In a Great Tradition. Tribute to Dame Laurentia McLachlan,
            Abbess of Stanbrook. New York  Harper & Brothers, 1956.

    Benedict's Disciples. Edited by David Hugh Farmer. Herefordshire, England: Gracewing -
            Fowler Wright Books, 1995.

    Blatz, [Sr.] Imogene, O.S.B., and [Sr.] Alard Zimmer, O.S.B. Threads from Our Tapestry.
            Benedictine Women in Central Minnesota. St. Cloud, Minnesota: North Star Press of
            St. Cloud, Inc., 1994
    The Book of Psalms and the Canticles of the Roman Breviary. Translated by Eberhard
            Olinger, O.S.B. The Holy Bible [Translated from the Original Languages with
            Critical Use of All the Ancient Sources by Members of the Catholic Biblical
            Association of America]   Sponsored by The Episcopal Committee of the
            Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.  Paterson, New Jersey: St. Anthony Guild
            Press, 1950.

    Botz, Paschal, O.S.B. Runways to God. The Psalms as Prayer. Collegeville, Minnesota: The
            Liturgical Press, 1979.

    Bouyer, Louis. Liturgical Piety. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1955.

    Boyce, James John, O. Carm. "Cantica Carmelitana: The Chants of the Carmelite 
            Office."  Ph. D. Diss., New York: New York University, 1984.

    Braso, Gabriel M., O.S.B, Abbot of Montserrat. Liturgy and Spirituality. Translated by
            Leonard J. Doyle. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1960.

    Brook, John. The School of Prayer. An Introduction to the Divine Office for All
            Christians  Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1992.

    Bugnini, Annibale. The Reform of the Liturgy 1948-1975. Translated by Matthew J.
            O'Connell.  Collegeville, Minnesota:  The Liturgical Press, 1990.

    Bugnini, A[nnibale], C.M. "Parva Breviaria Fidelium."Ephemerides Liturgicae LXVIII,
            no. 2 (1954): 171-79.

    Bugnini, A[nnibale], C.M. and I. Bellocchio, C.M.  De Rubricis ad simplicis formam
            redigendis.  Commentarium ad Decretum S.R.C. Diei 23 Martii 1955.  Editio altera.
            Rome:  Edizioni Liturgiche, 1955.

    Burton, Katherine. With God and Two Ducats. Chicago: The Carmelite Press, 1958

    Cabrol, Fernand, O.S.B. Liturgical Prayer. Its History & Spirit. Translated by a Benedictine
            of Stanbrook [Dame Agatha Scott Elliott, O.S.B] from the French (1900).  First English
            edition, 1922. Westminster, Maryland, The Newman Press, 1950..

    Campbell, Stanislaus, F.S.C. From Breviary to Liturgy of the Hours. The Structural
            Reform of  the Roman Office 1964-1971. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical
            Press, 1997.

    Carmel's Call. Manual for Members of the Lay Carmelite Order. 10th edition. Edited by
            Rev. Aloysius Sieracki, O. Carm.  Darien, Illinois: The Carmelite Press, 1991.

    Catholic Source Book. Edited by [Rev.] Peter Klein. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown Publishing
            ROA Media, 1990.

    Champlin, Joseph M. Behind Closed Doors. A Handbook on How to Pray. New
            York/Ramsey   Pauist Press, 1984.

    Clynes, Raphael, O.F.M. Liturgy and Christian Life. Paterson, New Jersey: St. Anthony
            Guild Press, 1960.

    Crichton, J. D. Christian Celebration. Understanding the Prayer of the Church. London:
            Geoffrey Chapman, 1993.

    ------. Lights in the Darkness. Forerunners of the Liturgical Movement.Collegeville,
            Minnesota:  The Liturgical Press, 1996.

    de Vogue, Adalbert [O.S.B.], [Monk of La Pierre-qui-vire]. The Rule of Saint Benedict. A
            Doctrinal and Spiritual Commentary. Translated by John Baptist Hasbrouck,
            [Monk of Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey].Cistercian Studies,  # 54. Kalamazoo,
            Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1983.

    Documents on the Liturgy 1963-1979. Conciliar, Papal and Curial Texts. Edited by [ICEL].
            Collegeville, Minnesota:  The Liturgical Press, 1982.

    Duffy, Eamon. The Stripping of the Altar. Traditional Religion in England c.1400-c.1580.
            New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.

    Dysinger, Luke, O.S.B. The Rule of Saint Benedict. Latin & English. Trabuco Canyon,
            California: Source Books, 1996.

    Ellard, Gerald, S.J. Men at Work and Worship. America Joins the Liturgical Movement.
            New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1940.

    Enchiridion Documentorum Instaurationis Liturgicae I (1963-1973). Compiled by
            Reiner Kaczynski   Rome: Marietti, 1976.


    Fenton, Victorine, O.S.B. "The English Monastic Liturgy of the Hours in North

           America." Ph. D. Diss., Des Moines, Iowa: University of Iowa, 1985.

    Fenwick, John R. K. and Bryan D. Spinks. Worship in Transition. The Liturgical Movement
            in the 20th Century. New York: Continuum, 1995.

    [Field, Anne, O.S.B.], editor. Directory for the Celebration of the Work of God.
            Guidelines for the Monastic Liturgy of the Hours approved for the Benedictine
            Confederation. Riverdale, Maryland  Exordium Books, 1981.

    Flannery, Austin, O.P. Companion to the New Breviary. New York: Costello Publishing
            Company, n.d.

    Forcadell, A[ugustine] M., [O. Carm.]. "Ritus Carmelitarum Antiquae Observantiae."
            Ephemerides Liturgicae LXIV,  no. #1 (1950): 5-52.

    Frank, Karl Suso, O.F.M. With Greater Liberty. A Short History of Christian
            Monasticism and Religious Orders.  Translated by Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J. Cistercian
            Studies # 144. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1993.

    Garrone, Gabriel [Archbishop of Toulouse]. How to Pray the Psalms. Translated by The
            Benedictine Monks of Mt. Savior Monastery of Elmira, New York. Notre Dame,
            Indiana:  Fides Publishsers, 1962.

    Guiver, George, C.R. Company of Voices. Daily Prayer and the People of God.
            New York: Pueblo Publishing  Company, 1988.

    Gutierrez, A. C.M.F. "Ex Iurisprudentia et Praxi S.C. De Religiosis." II - De Parvo
            Breviario in Linguis Vernaculis. Commentarium Pro Religiosis et Missionariis 32,
            no. 4 (1953): 263-66.

    Harthan, John.  The Book of Hours with a Historical Survey and Commentary.  New York:
            Park Lane, 1977.

    Healy, Kilian, O. Carm. Prophet of Fire. Carmel in the World Paperbacks. Rome: Institutum
            Carmelitanum, 1990.

    Hilpisch, Stephanus, O.S.B.  Benedictinism Through the Changing Centuries.  Translated
            from the German by Leonard J. Doyle.  Collegeville, Minnesota:  St. John's Abbey Press,

    Hollerman, Ephrem, O.S.B. The Reshaping of a Tradition. American Benedictine
            Women 1852-1881   Saint Joseph, Minnesota: Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict,

    Hudon, [Sister] Rosemarie, S.O.S. Nuns Community Prayer and Change. 2d ed. Staten
            Island, New York: Alba House, 1967.

    Hughes, Kathleen, R.S.C.J. The Monk's Tale. A Biography of Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B.
            Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1991.

    Introduction to the Liturgy. Edited by Anscar J. Chupungco, O.S.B. Handbook for
            Liturgical Studies   Collegeville,  Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1997.

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