as used in





Day 1

Pss 1, 4, 8


Antiphon:  In pace in idipsum * dormiam, et requiescam (In Peace and perfect safety I will sleep and take my rest).

Day 2

Pss 18, 21


Antiphon: Domine, * adjutor meus, et Redemptor meus ( O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer).


Day 3

Pss 22, 23, 24


Antiphon:  Vias tuas * Domine, demonstra mihi (Make known thy ways to me, O Lord).

Day 4

Pss 25, 26, 27


Antiphon: Illuminatio mea * et salus mea Dominus (The Lord is my LIGHT and my Salvation).

Day 5

Pss 28, 29 (1-6), 33


Antiphon:  Gustate et videte * quoniam suavis est Dominus (O taste and see how sweet the Lord is).

Day 6

Pss 39, 41, 42


Antiphon:  Sitivit * anima mea ad Deum fortem vivum. (My soul is athirst for God, the mighty living God).

Day 7

Ps 118 a, b, c, d


Antiphon:    Revela oculos meos * et considerabo mirabilia de lege tua (Unveil mine eyes that I may see the wonders of thy Law).

Day 8

Pss 44, 45, 46


Antiphon:  Psallite Deo nostro, psallite * psallite Regi nostro (O sing praises unto our God, sing praises).

Day 9

Pss 50, 54


Antiphon: Jacta super Dominum * curam tuam (O cast thy care upon the Lord).


Day 10

Pss 56, 60, 62


Antiphon: Benedicam te, Domine, * in vita mea (Thee will I bless though all my days).

Day 11

Pss 64, 65, 66


Antiphon:  Omnis terra * adoret te, Domine, et psallat tibi (Let the whole earth worship Thee, O Lord, and sing to Thee).

Day 12

Pss 68, 69


Antiphon:  Exaudi me, Domine, * quoniam benigna est misericordia tua  (Hear me, O Lord, for gracious is thy mercy).

Day 13

Pss 70, 71


Antiphon: Tu es Domine, * et spes mea a juventute mea (Thou art my hope, O Lord, even from my youth).

Day 14

Ps 118 e, f, g, h


Antiphon: Bonum mihi, Domine, * quia humiliasti me (It is good for me, O Lord, that Thou hast humbled me).

Day 15

Pss 76, 83


Antiphon: Quam dilecta Domine, * tabernacula tua (How lovely are thy dwellings, O Lord).

Day 16

Pss 84, 85, 88 (1-9)


Antiphon:  Misericordias * Domini in aeternum cantabo      (My song shall ever be of the mercies of my Lord).

Day 17

Pss 89, 90


Antiphon: Domine, refugium * factus es nobis (O Lord, Thou art our refuge).

Day 18

Pss 91, 94, 95


Antiphon: Venite, * adoremus eum, quia ipse est Dominus Deus noster  (O come let us adore Him, for verily He is the Lord our God)


Day 19

Pss 96, 97, 98, 99


Antiphon: Servite Domino * in laetitia (Serve ye the Lord with gladness).

Day 20

Pss 100, 102


Antiphon: Benedic * anima mea Domino (Bless the Lord, O thou my soul).

Day 21

Ps 118 i, j, k, l


Antiphon: Vivifica me, Domine, * secundum verbum tuum (Revive me, O Lord, through thy Word).

Day 22

Pss 103a, 103b


Antiphon: Quam magnificata sunt * opera tua, Domine (How wondrous are thy works, O Lord).

Day 23

Pss 109, 110, 112, 113

Antiphon:  Confitebor tibi, * Domine, in toto corde meo  (I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart.

Day 24

Pss 114, 115, 117


Antiphon: Tibi sacrificabo * hostiam laudis  (To Thee will I ofer the Sacrifice of Praise).

Day 25

Pss 120, 121, 125, 129, 133

Antiphon:  Speravit * anima mea in te, Domine (My soul doth hope in Thee, O Lord).

Day 26

Pss 135, 137


Antiphon:  In conspectu * Angelorum psallam tibi, Deus meus (In the presence of the Angels I will sing my psalms to Thee, O God).

Day 27

Pss 138, 141


Antiphon:  Portio mea, Domine, * sis in terra viventium. (Be Thou my portion, Lord, in the land of the living).

Day 28

Ps 118 m, n, o, p


Antiphon: Vivet anima mea *  et laudabit te, Domine  (Let me soul live that it may praise Thee, Lord).

Day 29

Pss143, 145, 146


Antiphon: Laudabo Deum meum * in vita mea (I will praise the Lord all my life long).

Day 30

Pss 147, 148, 149, 150

Antiphon: Omnis spiritus * laudet te, Domine (Let every breath of life praise Thee, O Lord).

Day 31

Canticles 1 Par. 29, Ecclus 36

Antiphon:  Laudamus * nomen tuum inclytum, Deus noster (Praise to thy glorious Name, O Lord our God!).



1)  ORATIO VESPERTINA  A Book of Evening Prayer and Praise was compiled and published by V. G. L. (Vilma G. Little) in 1941 at Stanbrook Abbey Press, Worcester, England.  It received its imprimatur from the Archbishop of Birmingham in 1940, though its original text had been prepared as early as 1928, when Abbot Fernand Cabrol, the well known liturgical scholar and author, encouraged its use. (The Great Depression, among other factors, delayed its printing and distribution).

2)  The "Ordo" (Ordinary, or recurring part) of this office is found here.

3)  Psalm 118, which appears on the 7th, 14th & 21st days of this cycle, is divided into "octonaries", and rather than use their Hebrew names, they are called here simply "a, b, c, d......etc.".

4)  The author, throughout the ordinary part of the office and here, in the English translation of the antiphons and psalms, often uses words which relate to light in capital letters;  this kind of emphasis is not ordinarily found in other office texts. 


Added January 12, 2001