is Tony Horner's Summary of his work. Please feel free to contact him at
his e-mail address should you be interested in his Little Office project.
England, Tony Horner (
– a layman with a long-standing attachment to the Little Office of the
Blessed Virgin Mary – has produced, and hopes to publish, a revised version
of this Office. His objective was to retain as much of the traditional form of
the Little Office, whilst revising its structure in accordance with the
Liturgy of the Hours. He has used the whole of the traditional (pre-Vatican
II) psalmody and hymns.
The antiphons, responsories and prayers are taken
mainly from the Common and Festivals of Our Lady as found in the Liturgy of
the Hours according to the Roman Rite, but some items are taken from the
Dominican Usage.
A major change is the provision of a four-week cycle of first
and second readings at Matins. The First Readings, from Scripture, are taken
from Job, Proverbs, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), and Baruch, and they are
all descriptions of, or statements by, Lady Wisdom – long associated with
Mary in the Church’s Tradition. The Second Readings are from the Divine
Office texts for the Festivals and Commemorations of Our Lady and from a
number of Marian Encyclicals and other Ecclesiastical documents.
The remainder
of the Little Office changes little from day to day, and thus stays close to
its historical antecedents, but to mark the liturgical seasons there are
certain variations at Lauds and Vespers, such as the readings, the antiphons
to the Benedictus and Magnificat, and the prayers.