The Carthusians have retained some liturgical customs from the Middle Ages, a time when those customs were not specific to the Order, but were popular and kept by many monastics, members of other Religious Orders, and the Secular clergy.
One such custom is what is called the "Officium Missae" (The "Office of the Mass"). Archdale A. King and other writers identify this by another name, the "Missa Sicca" (the "Dry Mass").
For many medieval priests, the Missa Sicca was generally prayed right after the celebration of a private Mass, and the priest continued to wear the Mass vestments of the day. For the Carthusian, it was prayed by the choir monk alone, in the cell, without vestments.
It is, in essence, a recitation of the "proper" (and a few of the "ordinary") texts of one of two common Masses of the Blessed Virgin (Salve, Sancta Parens for ordinary time, and Rorate Caeli, for Advent). Among Carthusians, it has always been prayed in the cell, i.e., alone, and it was generally attached to the end of hour of Prime or Terce of the daily Office of the Blessed Virgin. Today, its use is optional. In fact, the entire Office of the Blessed Virgin may be replaced, with the Superior's permission (the Prior or Prioress of a monastery) with another form of devotion to the Blessed Virgin. (However, it seems that many, if not most, Carthusians keep the original custom, and today, this includes lay Brothers as well as Choir religious). The Officium De Beata can be found at Joseph Hoffman's page and can be downloaded.
The "Agenda" is the Carthusian Office of the Dead. Prior to the Second Vatican Council, the office was said in choir and followed by the Canonical Office (the office of the day). Today, it is prayed once a week in the cell (alone) by the Fathers. Very little has changed, except that additional choices for readings have been included. The Office is said in the church Choir on November 2nd (All Souls), on November 13th (for departed members of the Order and families and relatives), and when a monk or nun of a house dies.
When a relative of a monk dies, the community is asked to say "Placebo" (Vespers of the Dead) during the week. When there is an anniversary of Profession, the community is asked to pray the "Placebo" or the Vespers of the Office of Our Lady (alone, in the cell) during the week.
Carthusian Prime
& Terce of the Office of Our Lady
with the
Officium Missae.
Ave Maria V. Deus,
in adjutorium.....
R. Domine,
ad adjuvandum me.....
Hymn: Memento salutis auctor
(5 vv)
(without antiphon[s])
Ps 53
Ps 118a
Ps 118b
Ps 118c
Ps 118d
-or - Laus, tibi Domine (from Septuagesima until Easter)
24 -
mater pulchrae dilectionis....
Short Responsory with veniam*: Ave, Maria, gratia plena.....
V. Domine,
R. Et
clamor meus......
qui de Beatae....
V. Domine,
R. Et
clamor meus.....
V. Benedicamus
R. Deo
Mass of the Blessed Virgin (Officium Missae) follows here
(or after Terce).
Salve, sancta Parens
Introit (with veniam*): (or, in Advent, Rorate, caeli) Kyrie eleison (3x)
Gloria in excelsis Deo.....
V. Domine, exaudi....
Prayer: Concede nos famulos tuos...... Epistle: Ecclesiasticus 24
V. Domine, exaudi....
Gospel: Luke 11 V. Domine, exaudi.....
Oremus (with veniam*)
Communio: Beata viscera.... V. Domine, exaudi.....
V. Domine, exaudi.....
V. Domine, exaudi....
(Last) Gospel: John, 1 Antiphon: Te Decet Laus..... Prayers (3):
V. Domine, exaudi.....
Antiphon: Salve Regina and its prayers.
Ave Maria V. Deus,
in adjutorium.....
R. Domine,
ad adjuvandum me.....
Hymn: Memento salutis auctor
(5 vv)
(without antiphon[s])
Ps 118e
Ps 118f
Ps 118g
Ps 118h
Ps 118i Alleluia
-or - Laus, tibi Domine (from Septuagesima until Easter)
24 -
omnibus requiem....
Short Responsory: Benedicta tu in mulieribus....
V. Domine,
R. Et
clamor meus......
nos famulos tuos....
V. Domine,
R. Et
clamor meus.....
V. Benedicamus
R. Deo
Mass of the Blessed Virgin (Officium Missae) follows here
(or after Prime).
Salve, sancta Parens
Introit (with veniam*): (or, in Advent, Rorate, caeli) Kyrie eleison (3x)
Gloria in excelsis Deo.....
V. Domine, exaudi....
Prayer: Concede nos famulos tuos...... Epistle: Ecclesiasticus 24
V. Domine, exaudi....
Gospel: Luke 11 V. Domine, exaudi.....
Oremus (with veniam*)
Communio: Beata viscera.... V. Domine, exaudi.....
V. Domine, exaudi.....
V. Domine, exaudi....
(Last) Gospel: John, 1 Antiphon: Te Decet Laus..... Prayers (3):
V. Domine, exaudi.....
Antiphon: Salve Regina and its prayers.
* Veniam - a prostration (bending low to touch the floor) made for several reason, such as devotion. Some forms of veniam are also made by individuals who interrupt community prayer, etc. In the Carthusian books, the liturgical instruction for this often begins "Hic accipimus veniam".
continue to PART IV of the Little Office
which highlights post - Vatican II versions of the Little Office
return to the Main Page
Added March 10, 2000