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No study of 20th century office books in English is complete without at least some understanding of the contributions and influence of the Benedictine Nuns of the Abbey of Our Lady of Consolation (known the world over as Stanbrook Abbey) in Worcester, England. The Nuns have worked as translators, as compilers, as editors, musicians, printers and, when requested, have offered advice and suggestions to editors and publishers throughout the English speaking world. Until very recently, these liturgical (as well as other) contributions remained anonymous. The community has provided the following information, and though this page is incomplete, it provides a small idea of the Abbey's role in the liturgical developments of the 20th century. The Stanbrook Abbey community has its own website. Your visit will be most welcome. The e-mail address for the Abbey is this
Year | Stanbrook's
& Printing Data: (Title, Publisher, other) |
(& others) |
1915 | compilation & translation | Dame Agatha Thomas, O.S.B. |
1921 | Day Hours of the
according to the reforms of Pope Pius X, with a parallel English version edited by the Benedictine Nuns of the Abbey of Our Lady of Consolation at Stanbrook in Worcestershire with an Introduction by the Right Reverend Fernard Cabrol OSB, Lord Abbot of Farnborough in Hampshire,1st edition, London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne |
The first English/Latin version
of the Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani,
based on the 1911 revisions of the Roman Breviary, as ordered by Pope Pius
1033pp |
1928 | Supplement | included additions of new feasts and other material. |
1935 | 2nd edition | 1178pp |
1948 | Newman Press (Westminster, Maryland) asked to publish revised edition, edited by Stanbrook | Project abandoned (WWII damage to Burns, Oates & Washbourne, including destruction of the pages which had been set in type). |
1928 | compilation & translation | Dame Agnes Wood, OSB |
1937 |
The Roman Breviary
restored by the Council of Trent: an English version; 4 volumes - introduction by Abbot Fernand Cabrol, revised and edited by Ch. Francis Brown, published in London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne. Autumn & Winter volumes - 1936 Spring & Summer volumes - 1937 |
Burns, Oates & Washbourne suffered considerable damage during World War II air raids on London. Prior to the development of the Offset Printing Process, all texts were set in metal type and stored. These were all destroyed. |
1938 | Second printing | published in the USA by Benziger Brothers, NY |
1957 | translated by | Dame Gertrude Brown, OSB |
1957 | The
Little Breviary
for the use of both religious and layfolk containing in simplified form all the offices of the Roman Breviary, compiled by, and with a preface by, Th. Stallaert, C.SS.R/The Premonstratensian Canons of the Abbey of Berne; foreword to the English edition by the Benedictine Nuns of Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester, published b J. H. Gottmer, Haarlem-Antwerp, 1957. (The American edition co-published with Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland) |
Klein Brevier, first published in 1950, was used by more than 20,000 members of religious communities not bound to the complete Roman Breviary or who wished to change from the Little Office of the BVM or another form of non-liturgical community prayer as well as by lay persons. It was translated into several languages, English being the last. Stallaert complained that the English version was not being marketed and distributed well among English-speaking Religious and laity, though already there were publisher concerns about further major office reforms |
1948 | translated by | Dame Gertrude Brown, OSB |
1948 | Breviary for Religious,
Latin-English, trans. from Breviarium Romanum....cum nova recensione Psalterii Pii Papae XII auctoritate editi (n.d., but 1948 imprimatur), 4 vols. Haarlem: J. H. Gottmer |
This version of the Roman Breviary contained the new Psalter of Pius XII, and because there was a side by side translation, many Religious (and priests) bound to pray the office found this set helpful. |
1961 | 2 vols, Haarlem: J. H. Gottmer | this edition included the several changes made to the Roman Breviary since 1948. |
1929 | compiled by | Dame Paula Daunais, OSB |
1929 | Benedictine Vesperal
in Latin and English,
Containing the Offices of Vespers, Terce and Compline throughout the year. Published by Burns, Oates & Washbourne, but "printed by the Benedictine Dames of Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester". [The printing facility at Stanbrook Abbey is world-renowned for its quality and craftsmanship.] |
This was a useful text for those who attended some of the day's offices in Benedictine houses (e.g., retreatants and other visitors - it was also useful for lay associates of the Benedictines, the Oblates). |
1970 | compiled by | Stanbrook Nuns |
1970 | The Prayer
of the Church: Interim Version of the New Roman Breviary
London: Geoffrey Chapman |
Each language group prepared its own interim breviary, using the new four-week Psalter and other material from the forthcoming Liturgia Horarum; Readings and other material had not been prepared at this stage. The first official Latin edition appeared in 1972. |
1970 | Supplement I: Prayers for the Weeks
of the Year, the 4 Solemnities edited by
[see also Music Supplement, Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal, Other below] |
Dame Teresa Rodrigues, OSB |
1974 | translated and edited by | a) Dame Teresa Rodrigues,
OSB [translated responsories & copyedited entire text]
b) Dom Gerard McGinty, OSB [rubrics & presentation] c) Dom Placid Murray, OSB [patristic lessons & collects] d) Dame
Hildelith Cumming, OSB
[ editor:
Hymns from Stanbrook
Abbey Hymnal ]
1974 | The Divine
the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman Rite,
3 vols. London: Collins
Daily Prayer from the Divine Office: the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman Rite, 1 vol. London: Collins Morning and Evening
[see also Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal, Other, below] |
This edition was prepared at the request of the Conferences of Bishops of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, etc. and intended for use in those territories influenced by these Conferences. The texts appeared a year before the ICEL American edition and are still used by those who prefer these translations, printing and binding work (and size: The Divine Office contains 3 volumes; the American The Liturgy of the Hours has four volumes). It is a translation of the Liturgia Horarum of 1972. |
(some not directly involved with the Breviary) |
1971 | Music
Supplement to "The Prayer of the Church": Evening Prayer for Sundays and
Solemnities, Night Prayer & Hymnal
Stanbrook Abbey Liturgical Secretariat, Worcester; printed at Quidenham. |
Edited by:
Dame Hildelith Cumming, OSB
Hymn Texts: Dame Marcella van Oosterwijk Bruyn, OSB (except Tomb of Earth, by Dame Maria Boulding, OSB) Music: Dame Felicitas Corrigan, OSB (Hail Holy Queen & Mother of Christ), Dame Hildelith Cumming, OSB, Dame Anne Field, OSB and Dame Raphael Foster, OSB. |
1974 | Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal | revision of the hymnal contained in Music Supplement (see above) |
1975 | Evening Prayer for
musical settings of antiphons plus psalm tones London, Collins |
Edited by: Dame Hildelith Cumming, OSB |
1975 | Night Prayer: Compline from the Divine Office | (ditto) |
1978 | Music for Evening
Accompanying tape London, Collins |
Dame Hildelith Cumming, OSB, Dame Anne Field, OSB and Dame Raphael Foster, OSB were each responsible for 1/3 of the musical settings. |
1972 | A Christian's Prayer
Poems, Psalms & Prayers for the Church's Year London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1972 |
Edited by: Peter Coughlan, Ronald C.D. Jasper, Dame Teresa Rodrigues, OSB |
1969 | Lectionary:
Order of Readings for Use at Mass According to the Cycle of Readings Promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI ...Using the Jerusalem Bible Version of Scripture. London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1969 |
Edited by: Dame Teresa Rodrigues, OSB, Sue Chapman and others |
1970 | Lectionary:
Order of Readings for Use at Mass According to the Cycle of Readings Promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI ...Using the Revised Standard Version of Scripture London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1970 |
(ditto) |
1922 | Liturgical Prayer,
its history and spirit,
by Abbot Fernand Cabrol, translated [from] the French by a Benedictine of Stanbrook London, Burns, Oates & Washbourne New York: Kennedy, 1925 (1st ed) Westminster, Maryland: Newman Press, 2nd edition |
translator: Dame Agatha Scott Elliot, OSB |
1923 | Gregorian Musical
Vo, 1 by Dom Andre Mocquereau, (translated from French) |
(ditto) |
1926 | The Divine Liturgy
of St. John Chrysostom
(Greek text with introduction and notes by Dom Placid de Meester), (translated from French) London, Burns, Oates & Washbourne |
(ditto) |
1929 | The Breviary, its
history and contents
by Dom Baudot translated from French by the Benedictines of Stanbrook London, Sands & Co. St. Louis, Mo., Herder |
(ditto) |
1932 | The Books of the
Latin Liturgy
by Dom Fernand Cabrol, translated by the Benedictines
of Stanbrook
London, Sands & Co. St. Louis, Mo., Herder |
(ditto) |
- I
1974 - II
(1987 reprint) - I
1999 - VII (Yr 2, Wks 1-17) 1999 - VIII (Yr 2, Wks 18-34)
A Word
in Season
Published in Dublin in 1973 (vol I) and 1974 (Vol II) by Talbot Press
A Word in Season
Edited by: Henry
Ashworth, OSB; Assistant editors: Dame
Anne Field, OSB, Dame Edith Barnecut, OSB, Mary
Berry CSA, MA, PhD, Rosemary McCabe MA with a preface by Rembert G. Weakland,
OSB, Abbot Primate
(ditto, except) Main editor:
Edith Barnecut, OSB
cover design by Sr. Joanna Jamieson, OSB, St. Bede's Publications, Still River, Mass, and Exordium Books, Riverdale, Maryland; all reprinted with approval of Congregation for Divine Worship |
1981 - I
1985 - II |
Christ our Light
I - Patristic Readings on Gospel Themes: Advent & Pentecost II - Readings on Gospel Themes: Ordinary Time Riverdale, Maryland, Exordium Books |
translated and edited by
Friends of Henry Ashworth (as above)
cover designs by Sr. Joanna Jamieson, OSB |
1992 - I (Year A)
1993 - II (Year B) 1994 - III (Year C) |
Journey with the
Fathers, Commentaries on the Sunday Gospels
(Christ our Light readings, with some revisions) New York, New City Press |
Edited by: Dame Edith Barnecut, OSB |
2000 |
Directory for the
Celebration of the Work of God:
Guidelines for the Monastic Liturgy of the Hours Approved for the Benedictine Confederation. and, in a second edition: The Monastic Hours: Directory for the Celebration of the Work of God and Directive Norms for the Celebration of the Monastic Liturgy of the Hours, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, 2000. |
Edited by:
Dame Anne Field, OSB,
introduction by: Burkhard Neunheuser, OSB ed. Anne M. Field, OSB; foreword Marcel Rooney, OSB, Abbot Primate; introduction,. Ruben M. Leikam, OSB |
updated September 9, 2003