"The Divine Office"
(U.S. English ed. - 1958)
Volksbrevier - 1933
Christuslob - 1969 to present |

Fr. Fleischmann
in later years |
The Benedictine Abbey of Seckau
in Austria was home to
Fr. Hildebrand Fleischmann,
OSB, compiler of VOLKSBREVIER,
(original edition in 1933), which ran for several editions. In 1947,
with the encouragement of the Fulda Bishops' Conference, he compiled the
which became very popular among religious communities and the laity;
it continued to be edited and published by the Herder Company in several
succeeding editions, and was translated into several languages, an English
edition appearing in 1959. After his death, the book was adjusted
to reflect many of the changes of the Second Vatican Council and assumed
a new title, CHRISTUSLOB
and included music and marked psalmody (see
the 1969 and 1977
editions) so that the office could be sung in its entirety. Eventually,
in 1986, this book adopted a four week psalter;
it is still very popular in German-speaking areas.
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updated October 19, 2000