Official Breviaries and  Breviaria Parva
as they appeared
(along with other important liturgical events
as they happened)
 in Europe and the USA


  • In this study, the word "usages" (or "use", "usage", or even "custom") is preferred to the word "rite",  though authors and even official documents & breviaries have often used the word "rite" to identify the liturgical practices and/or texts of certain Religious Orders, such as the Carmelites, Dominicans, Premonstratensians, Carthusians, etc.  The liturgical customs of these Orders technically belong to the Roman Rite. [After the liturgical reforms resulting from the Second Vatican Council, some of these Orders, while retaining their particular calendars, adopted the present Roman Rite and gave up their usages, a few of which dated to the 12th century and earlier.  Monastic office usages based on the liturgical code in the Rule of St. Benedict, flourished and multiplied, however.] There are, at the same time,  distinct non-Roman "rites" within the Catholic Church, such as the Ambrosian Rite (for the Archdiocese of Milan, Italy), and the Mozarabic Rite, (used in one place in Spain);  both of these rites have existed alongside the Roman Rite since ancient times.

  • The breviaries or office texts in this timeline are listed in their first publishing/printing date only, though later editions (which required textual changes) are duly noted.  Prior to the Second Vatican Council,  the "official" Latin texts -  (approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites) published as the Editio Typica - were often numbered (e.g., Editio Typica Secunda, or even like this: Editio Tertia post Typicam),  to indicate later changes.  (A book  published as Editio Juxta Typicam meant that the Bishop who gave his imprimatur attested that the text agreed perfectly with the Editio Typica.)  After the Second Vatican Council, the Latin texts are listed either as editio typica (1971-1972), or in the more recent second edition, as editio typica altera (1985-1987).  Current official English ediitions of liturgical texts are given a "concordat cum originali".

  • With the publication of the post Vatican II Liturgia Horarum in its various vernacular versions, some American houses of English-speaking communities which are based in the UK (and/or have motherhouses or headquarters there) adopted the UK versions.  The same was true for the interim (temporary) version of the new office.

  • This timeline listing makes no claim at completeness.  Not included, for example, are the various editions of the parent breviaries of Religious Orders which have unique usages within the Roman Rite, unless an edition is/was unusual (e.g., the 1967 Dominican Breviary in English (Breviary According to the Rite of the Order of Preachers), which used the Grail psalms throughout the text. 

  • Nor are the many editions of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (also known as Officium Parvum BVM)  listed, unless they, too, are unusual, such as Cardinal Bea's  amplior edition of 1953 and the Little Office of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, perhaps the first published English edition of the Little Office to conform to the principles of the Institutio Generalis Liturgiae Horarum.

  • Fully 1/5 of the Catholics in the United States speak Spanish or are of Hispanic origin.  Several Spanish editions of contemporary short breviaries are listed below.

(in existence)

* Officium Parvum BVM: several usages - e.g. Roman, Carmelite, Dominican, Premonstratensian, Carthusian;

* Monastic Breviary: at least 4 usages: Benedictine, Maurist Benedictine (Hungarian), Carthusian, Cistercian;

* Roman Breviary: several uses - e.g., Carmelite, Dominican, Premonstratensian and several Calendars (e.g, regional - Diocesan, other Orders, such as Franciscan, Discalced Carmelite); several editions: 1 volume complete - "totum", 2 volumes, 4 volumes, diurnals - Diurnale or Horae Diurnae - all hours except Matins ("Vigils", "Nocturns").
1900 (in existence)

* Officium Parvum BVM: several usages - e.g. Roman, Carmelite, Dominican, Premonstratensian, Carthusian;

* Monastic Breviary: at least 2 usages: Benedictine, Cistercian;

* Roman Breviary: several uses - e.g., Carmelite, Dominican, Premonstratensian and several Calendars (e.g, regional - Diocesan, other Orders, such as Franciscan, Discalced Carmelite); several editions: 1 volume complete - "totum", 2 volumes, 4 volumes, diurnals - Diurnale or Horae Diurnae - all hours except Matins ("Vigils", "Nocturns").
The Roman Breviary (2nd edition - originally published in 1879), English translation by John , Maruqess of Bute.  4 vols.  William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & London 1908
" The Full Prayer of the Church"
- address by Dom Lambert Beauduin, OSB at the National Conference of Catholic Action, Malines, Belgium - called for active participation of the people in the Liturgy (quoting Pius X's 1903 motu poprio)  - The Malines Conference has been called the beginning of the Popular Liturgical Movement in Europe.
Divino Afflatu, Pius X 
(1st stage of 20th ccntury Breviary reform, restoring the use of the weekly Psalter and adjusting the Calendar - all who used the Roman Rite or one of  its  variants were required to conform to these changes; those who used the Monastic Psalter of Benedict's rule retained it, however).
Day Hours of the Church (Latin/English), Stanbrook Abbey
Day Hours of the Church (Latin/English), Stanbrook Abbey
Stunden-Gebet fuer Laien  Parsch, ed.  Klosterneunberg, Volksliturgisches Apostolat 1923

1926 Orate Fratres (later called Worship
& Popular Liturgical Library
(later called The Liturgical Press
begun by Dom Virgil Michel, OSB, at St. John's Abbey, Collegeville. 
This is generally thought of as the beginning of the American Popular Liturgical Movement.
Laienbrevier (Abbey of Maria Laach) 1928
Sonn-und Festtagsbrevier (Parsch, Klosterneuenburg bei Wien) 1932
Volksbrevier - (Fleischmann - Abbey of Seckau, Austria), 1st edition (printed in Alsace-Lorraine) 1933
Bruederoffizium (Archabbey of St. Ottilien) 1935
The Roman Breviary (Brown ed.,  tr. Stanbrook Abbey - Burns, Oates & Washbourne) 1936 The Roman Breviary (Brown ed., tr. Stanbrook Abbey - Benziger Brothers) 

Divine Praise (for laybrothers - mimeographed -  based monastic breviary with some Roman influence - St. Meinrad's Abbey)

Das Stundengebet. Ein Laienbrevier, Josef Dillersberger, ed - Salzburg: Otto Muller 1940
Oratio Vespertina - A Book of Evening Prayer and Praise, V. G. L. (Vilma G. Little),  Stanbrook Abbey Press, Worcester. 1941 A Short Breviary "for religious and the laity" - 1st edition (Monks of St. John's Abbey, Collegeville)

Oratio Vespertina - A Book of Evening Prayer and Praise, V. G. L. (Vilma G. Little),  Stanbrook Abbey Press, Worcester.

Mystici Corporis Christi
encyclical, June 29, Pius XII

Psalterium Novum (later called the Pius XII  Psalter
(Most of the publishers of Latin or bilingual  editions of the various breviaries were encouraged to use this new translation when it became necessary to publish/republish offices.  Many communities who chanted the office found this version difficult to use, however, especially the Benedictines and other older Monastic communities, whose great treasure of chant was tied to the Vulgate Latin Psalter).

Mediator Dei
encyclical, November 20, Pius XII

Breviary for Religious (Latin/English), (Stanbrook Abbey- Gottmer, Haarlem) 

Stunden-Gebet fuer Laien nach dem neuen Psalter, Parsch, ed. (4th ed) Klosterneunberg, Volksliturgisches Apostolat

1948 The Monastic Diurnal or The Day Hours of the Monastic Breviary, Latin/English, Monks of St. John's Abbey, 5 editions (through 1963) -  Dessain 

Breviary for Religious (Latin/English), (Stanbrook Abbey- Gottmer, Haarlem)

Officium Divinum Parvum (Fleischmann- Abbey of Seckau) - German/Latin - Herder 

Klein Brevier (Stallaert) - Dutch - Gottmer, Haarlem 

The Little Breviary. A simplified office in English with lessons for all the Sundays of the year and certain feasts. Ramsgate (Abbey), England:  Monastery Press. (Note: this is not  the translation of Stallaert's Klein Brevier.)

1950 The Roman Breviary  in English (Nelson ed. - Benziger Brothers) 
Livre d'Heures (Encalcat) - French/Latin - Editions d'Encalcat 1951
Officium Parvum BVM, Editio Amplior, Bea, compiler & ed. 

Familienbrevier, Kunkel, ed. - Wurzburg: Selbstverlag des Verfassers. 

Jugendbrevier.  Das "Familienbrevier" in der Ausgabe fuer die Jugend.  Wurzburg: Selbstverlag des Verfassers.

1953 Divine Praise (English Monastic Diurnal for lay brothers, some Benedictine Sisters, oblates & others - St. Meinrad's Archabbey) - made use of the newly translated Psalter by the CCD (Olinger translation) 

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary - "expanded edition" - several publishers translated Bea's text and made use of the newly translated Psalter by the CCD (Olinger translation)

Livre d'Heures (Encalcat) - French only - Editions d'Encalcat 1954 A Short Breviary, 2nd edition (abridged and unabridged editions -  made use of the newly translated Psalter by the CCD (Olinger translation) -Liturgical Press)

On the Simplification of Rubrics
March 23, Congregation of Rites

Book of Hours (Latin/English edition of Encalcat's Livre d'Heures)- Editions d'Encalcat


Diurnal  The Hours of the Day of the Roman Breviary according to the recent decrees (Latin/English), Desclee.

1956 Book of Hours (Latin/English edition of Encalcat's Livre d'Heures [uses Fides Psalter - Mary Perkins Ryan translation] )

Diurnal  The Hours of the Day of the Roman Breviary according to the recent decrees (Latin/English), Desclee.

The Little Breviary - Stanbrook translation of Stallaert's Klein Brevier - Gottmer, Haarlem 1957
Officium Divinum Parvum, 8th edition (Fleischmann, Seckau - Herder) 1958 The Little Breviary - Stanbrook translation of Stallaert's Klein Brevier - Gottmer, Haarlem & Newman Press
Office de la sainte Vierge (Encalcat) French/Latin - Tardy 1959 The Divine Office (8th ed of Officium Divinum Parvum) - Herder & Franciscan Herald Press

Rubricarum instructum
July 25th,  General Rubrics, John XXIII

Breviary for Religious - 2nd ed. (Latin/English), (Stanbrook Abbey- Gottmer, Haarlem) 1961 Breviary for Religious - 2nd ed.(Latin/English), (Stanbrook Abbey- Gottmer, Haarlem)
Office of Our Lady (English/Latin of Encalcat's Office de la sainte Vierge ) - Darton, Longman & Todd 1962 A Short Breviary, 3rd edition (abridged and unabridged editions - Liturgical Press) 

Office of Our Lady - English/Latin of Encalcat's Office de la sainte Vierge , (uses Fides Psalter - Mary Perkins Ryan translation)  - Darton, Longman & Todd

Constitution on the Liturgy
Vatican Council II
Dec, 4th 
calls for the reform of the Liturgy 
(article 98 declares Little Offices to be part of official, liturgical prayer)

1963 The Hours of the Divine Office in English and Latin, CCD (Olinger) translation of Pius XII Psalter. - Liturgical Press 

Morning Praise and Evensong, A Book of Common Prayer, (uses Fides Psalter - Mary Perkins Ryan translation) Storey ed. - Fides

Sacram Liturgiam
motu proprio of Paul VI 
January 25th 
(reiterates article 98 of the Constitution on the Liturgy, and also provides that translations of texts must be drawn up and approved by the competent territorial ecclesiastical authority, i.e. the National Conference of Bishops, in the USA)

Inter Oecumenici
1st Instruction ,Congregation of Rites 

September 26th 
(#'s 80, 81, 82 further clarify the use of Little Offices; new ones must also have the approval of the Holy See).

1964 The Roman Breviary, edited by Bede Babo, OSB, with prayers translated by Christine Mohrmann (Benziger), 
CCD (Olinger) translation of Pius XII Psalter.

1965 Lauds, Vespers, Compline in English, Liturgical Press - CCD (Olinger) translation of Pius XII Psalter.

Morning and Evening Prayers of the Divine Office: Lauds, Vespers, Compline for the Entire Year from the Roman Breviary, edited by Bede Babo, OSB, with prayers translated by Christine Mohrmann (Benziger), CCD (Olinger) translation of Pius XII Psalter.

Ecclesiae Sanctae
motu proprio of Paul VI, August 6 
for those not bound to the complete Office, focus shifts from the use of Little Offices to use of all or part of the complete office - essentially, this put any future editions of existing short breviaries into limbo.


Rescript (for the Benedictines)
Consilium, October 17 
(permits Benedictines to experiment with the office)

Breviary According to the Rite of the Order of Preachers, -St. Saviour's, Dublin.  (Dominican usage in English - with Grail translation of Psalms)

Short Dominican Breviary, ("for the Brothers, Sisters and Tertiaries" - Desclee - excerpted from the complete Dominican Breviary - day hours

The Day Hours of the Roman Breviary, L. Sheppard ed., Burns, Oates, Desclee & Mame - Grail psalms.

1967 Breviary According to the Rite of the Order of Preachers, -St. Saviour's, Dublin.  (Dominican usage in English - with Grail translation of Psalms)

Short Dominican Breviary, ("for the Brothers, Sisters and Tertiaries" - Desclee - excerpted from the complete Dominican Breviary - day hours

The Day Hours of the Roman Breviary, L. Sheppard ed., Burns, Oates, Desclee & Mame - Grail psalms.

Laudis Canticum
Apostolic Constitution - Paul VI, November 1 
promulgating the new Liturgia Horarum


Saint Columba Breviary, an abridgment of the Roman Breviary intended for the use of the laity, compiled by Monks of Glenstal Abbey. Glenstal, Ireland:  Liturgical Publications (promoted by and for the Legion of Mary)






Saint Columba Breviary, an abridgment of the Roman Breviary intended for the use of the laity, compiled by Monks of Glenstal Abbey. Glenstal, Ireland:  Liturgical Publications (promoted by and for the Legion of Mary)

Institutio Generalis
(general Instruction for the new Liturgy of the Hours)

Prayer of the Church, interim version of the new Liturgy of the Hours, prepared by the hierarchies of England, Ireland & Wales.  Grail psalms, Geoffrey Chapman Co.

1971 Prayer  of Christians, initiated and sponsored by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. Interim version of the Liturgy of the Hours for the USA - CCD Psalms (Olinger translation), Catholic Book Publishing Co. 

Prayer of the Church, interim version of the new Liturgy of the Hours, prepared by the hierarchies of England, Ireland & Wales.  Grail psalms, Geoffrey Chapman Co. - Also used by American houses of some UK-based English speaking communities.

Liturgia Horarum  - editio typica - (published piecemeal through 1973) - neo-Vulgate Latin psalter 1972 Liturgia Horarum  - editio typica - (published piecemeal through 1973) - neo-Vulgate Latin psalter - for individuals or communities who preferred Latin to the vernacular.
The Divine Office (the Liturgia Horarum for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins, Dwyer, Talbot 

Daily Prayer (The Divine Office minus the Office of Readings) for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins, Dwyer, Talbot 

1974 The Divine Office (the Liturgia Horarum for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins, Dwyer, Talbot - Also used by American houses of some UK-based English speaking communities.

Daily Prayer (The Divine Office minus the Office of Readings) for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins, Dwyer, Talbot - Also used by American houses of some UK-based English speaking communities.

Little Office of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Carmelite Press, Ayelsford, England. 
(one of the first English editions of The Little Office of the BVM conforming to the principles of the new Liturgia Horarum - printed with added Carmelite customs and calendar)
1975 Liturgy of the Hours , ICEL translation, Grail Psalms - Catholic Book Publishing Co. 

Book of Prayer for personal use (A Short Breviary - 4th ed) - CCD Psalms (Olinger translation) - a modified and shortened translation of Liturgia Horarum; had local bishop's  imprimatur but prohibited from distribution by the NCCB, as it was not approved by the National Conference.

Morning and Evening Prayer (with Night Prayer) from The Divine Office for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins, Dwyer, Talbot 1976 Christian Prayer - ICEL - The Liturgy of the Hours minus the Office of Readings - several publishers. 

Morning and Evening Prayer (with Night Prayer) from The Divine Office for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins, Dwyer, Talbot - Also used by American houses of some UK-based English speaking communities.

Operi Dei
Sacred Congregation of Sacraments and Divine Worship, 
February 10 
(approves Thesaurus Liturgiae Horarum Monasticae for entire Benedictine Order)


1978 Morning & Evening Prayer (Regina Press), selections excerpted from the Liturgy of the Hours.  Approved by the NCCB. 

Lord Hear Our Prayer - McNally, Storey, eds, basic 1 week Morning and Evening Prayer - 1 psalm for each hour - Ave Maria Press 

Every Day We Praise You - Hoagland & Skelly, eds.,1st of the 4 week approved Psalter + various devotional material - Catholic Book Publishing Co. 

Daytime Prayer - from the Liturgy of the Hours, (U.S. Catholic Conference, Washington, D.C.), with Midmorning, Midday, Midafternoon Prayer.- (extracted from The Liturgy of the Hours)

Diurnal - Liturgia de las Horas, Coeditores Liturgicos, Barcelona, 1982 (6th ed, 1993)
Diurnal - Liturgia de las Horas, Coeditores Liturgicos, Barcelona, 1982 (6th ed, 1993).  This is essentially "Christian Prayer". (please see note about Spanish speaking Catholics in the USA)
Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer, the 4 week Psalter and material for the year, extracted from The Divine Office
for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins
1983 Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer, the 4 week Psalter and material for the year, extracted from The Divine Office for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins. Also used by American houses of some UK-based English speaking communities.

1984 The Office of Readings, Pauline Books & Media, Boston (Daughters of St. Paul).  [One edition only -  Combined with their edition of  Christian Prayer, this was a sensible alternative -financial & practical - to the 4 volume Liturgy of the Hours.]
Liturgia Horarum, (editio typica altera - includes 3-cycle Benedictus & Magnificat antiphons & new Latin translation of the Bible -  (vol. I) 1985 Liturgia Horarum, (editio typica altera - includes 3-cycle Benedictus & Magnificat antiphons & new Latin translation of the Bible (vol. I) for individuals or communities who preferred Latin to the vernacular.
Liturgia Horarum, (editio typica altera )  includes 3-cycle Benedictus & Magnificat antiphons & new Latin translation of the Bible (vols. II & III) 

A Shorter Prayer During the Day, extracted from The Divine Office for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins

1986 Liturgia Horarum, (editio typica altera )  includes 3-cycle Benedictus & Magnificat antiphons & new Latin translation of the Bible (vols. II & III) - for individuals or communities who preferred Latin to the vernacular. 

A Shorter Prayer During the Day, extracted from The Divine Office for Great. Britain, Ireland, Wales, Australia, etc.) Grail psalms - Collins Also used by American houses of some UK-based English speaking communities.

Liturgia Horarum, (editio typica altera) - includes 3-cycle Benedictus & Magnificat antiphons & new Latin translation of the Bible (vol. IV) 1987 Liturgia Horarum, (editio typica altera) - includes 3-cycle Benedictus & Magnificat antiphons & new Latin translation of the Bible (vol. IV) - for individuals or communities who preferred Latin to the vernacular. 

Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer, the 4 week Psalter and material for the year, extracted from the Liturgy of the Hours, for ICEL jurisdictions 
 - Collins &  Liturgical Press

1988 Shorter Christian Prayer, the 4 week Psalter and material for the year, extracted from the Liturgy of the Hours, for ICEL jurisdictions - Catholic Book Publishing Co. 

Little Office of the BVM, Rotelle, ed., Catholic Book Publishing Company.- the oldest of the short breviaries given a post Vatican II - Liturgia Horarum focus. 

The New Companion to the Breviary with Seasonal Supplement, Carmelites of Indianapolis, inclusive psalms- includes  some non-official festal celebrations (reissued  in 1997 - see below)

Liturgia de Las Horas del Pueblo, San Pablo (Alba House), Quito, Ecuador, 1991. This is essentially "Shorter Christian Prayer" in Spanish (please see note about Spanish speaking Catholics in the USA)

Handbook of Prayers, Socias, ed.-  includes 1 Morning Prayer and 1 Evening Prayer, extracted from the Liturgy of the Hours, c1982 ICEL - Scepter/Midwest Theological Forum

Liturgia de las Horas para los fieles, ediciones Paulinas (Daughters of St. Paul), 1992 (7th ed, 1999).  This is essentially "Shorter Christian Prayer" in Spanish (please see note about Spanish speaking Catholics in the USA)

1993 Pray Without Ceasing, ed. Zimmerman et al, psalms translated by Institute for Liturgical Studies at Maria  Stein Center, 2 wk Psalter with music - Liturgical Press

1995 Psalms for Morning and Evening Prayer (1994 ICEL The Liturgical Psalter:  Text for Study and Comment); Antiphons from ICEL's 1995 Daily Praise: A Study of Morning and Evening Prayer), LTP Training Publications - Imprimatur removed, at Rome's request, by NCCB in November, 1998.
Simplified Morning and Evening Prayer, An Introduction to the Divine Office, John Brook, compiler & ed., HarperCollins 1997 Work of God - Benedictine Prayer, ed. Sutera - 2 wk Morning and Evening Prayer, intended for oblates and others; uses 1994 ICEL Liturgical Psalter and NRSV scripture - Liturgical Press 

The People's Companion to the Breviary -  Carmelites of Indianapolis, inclusive psalms- includes  some non-official festal celebrations (new edition of 1988 text - see above) 

Benedictine Oblate Companion - St. Meinrad's Archabbey, St. Meinrad, Indiana. "A one week cycle for the Divine adaptation of the Office as prayed by the Monks of St. Meinrad's Archabbey".

The Divine Hours 
Prayers for Summertime [ecumenical]
compiled and edited Phyllis Tickle.  New York: Doubleday.  Prayers for Springtime was due for release by March, 2000.  While it leans heavily on the 1979 BCP, the text has an ecumenical appeal.

Venite  A Book of Daily Prayer [ecumenical]
compiled and edited by Robert Benson.  New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam.  Four offices with texts paraphrased from many sources; psalms are used in a 30 day cycle.  An unusual structure.


Lauds and Vespers (in Latin and English), ed. Rev. Peter Stravinskas.

Princeton, New Jersey: Scepter Publishers and Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania:  Newman House Press.

A first volume containing Morning and Evening Prayer of the 4 week psalter in Latin and English for Ordinary Time.   Additional volumes are to follow.

The book's purpose is to encourage use of more Latin in the Liturgy of the Hours.  The English supplied (some of it quite good, actually) is only a translation help and may not be used for liturgical prayer (somewhat akin to the Latin/English Missals before the Council).


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and updated January, 2001 (mostly cosmetic)

Photo - courtesy of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Spring Bank

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