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Ant. Captabunt

Psalmus 93.
Psalm 93.
93:1. Deus ultiónum Dóminus : * Deus ultiónum líbere egit. 1. The Lord is the God to whom revenge belongeth: * the God of revenge hath acted freely.
93:2. Exaltáre, qui júdicas terram : * redde retributiónem supérbis. 2. Lift up thyself, thou that judgest the earth: * render a reward to the proud.
93:3. Úsquequo peccatóres, Dómine, * úsquequo peccatóres gloriabúntur : 3. How long shall sinners, O Lord: * how long shall sinners glory?
93:4. Effabúntur, et loquéntur iniquitátem : * loquéntur omnes, qui operántur injustítiam? 4. Shall they utter, and speak iniquity: * shall all speak who work injustice?
93:5. Pópulum tuum, Dómine, humiliavérunt : * et hereditátem tuam vexavérunt. 5. Thy people, O Lord, they have brought low: * and they have afflicted thy inheritance.
93:6. Víduam, et ádvenam interfecérunt : * et pupíllos occidérunt. 6. They have slain the widow and the stranger: * and they have murdered the fatherless.
93:7. Et dixérunt : Non vidébit Dóminus, * nec intélliget Deus Jacob. 7. And they have said: The Lord shall not see: * neither shall the God of Jacob understand.
93:8. Intellígite, insipiéntes in pópulo : * et stulti, aliquándo sápite. 8. Understand, ye senseless among the people: * and, you fools, be wise at last.
93:9. Qui plantávit aurem, non áudiet? * aut qui finxit óculum, non consíderat? 9. He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? * or he that formed the eye, doth he not consider?
93:10. Qui córripit gentes, non árguet : * qui docet hóminem sciéntiam? 10. He that chastiseth nations, shall he not rebuke: * he that teacheth man knowledge?
93:11. Dóminus scit cogitatiónes hóminum, * quóniam vanæ sunt. 11. The Lord knoweth the thoughts of men, * that they are vain.
93:12. Beátus homo, quem tu erudíeris, Dómine : * et de lege tua docúeris eum, 12. Blessed is the man whom thou shalt instruct, O Lord: * and shalt teach him out of thy law.
93:13. Ut mítiges ei a diébus malis : * donec fodiátur peccatóri fóvea. 13. That thou mayst give him rest from the evil days: * till a pit be dug for the wicked.
93:14. Quia non repéllet Dóminus plebem suam : * et hereditátem suam non derelínquet. 14. For the Lord will not cast off his people: * neither will he forsake his own inheritance.
93:15. Quoadúsque justítia convertátur in judícium : * et qui juxta illam omnes qui recto sunt corde. 15. Until justice be turned into judgment: * and they that are near it are all the upright in heart.
93:16. Quis consúrget mihi advérsus malignántes? * aut quis stabit mecum advérsus operántes iniquitátem? 16. Who shall rise up for me against the evildoers? * or who shall stand with me against the workers of iniquity?
93:17. Nisi quia Dóminus adjúvit me : * paulo minus habitásset in inférno ánima mea. 17. Unless the Lord had been my helper, * my soul had almost dwelt in hell.
93:18. Si dicébam : Motus est pes meus : * misericórdia tua, Dómine, adjuvábat me. 18. If I said: My foot is moved: * thy mercy, O Lord, assisted me.
93:19. Secúndum multitúdinem dolórum meórum in corde meo : * consolatiónes tuæ lætificavérunt ánimam meam. 19. According to the multitude of my sorrows in my heart, * thy comforts have given joy to my soul.
93:20. Numquid adhæret tibi sedes iniquitátis : * qui fingis labórem in præcépto? 20. Doth the seat of iniquity stick to thee, * who framest labour in commandment?
93:21. Captábunt in ánimam justi : * et sánguinem innocéntem condemnábunt. 21. They will hunt after the soul of the just, * and will condemn innocent blood.
93:22. Et factus est mihi Dóminus in refúgium : * et Deus meus in adjutórium spei meæ. 22. But the Lord is my refuge: * and my God the help of my hope.
93:23. Et reddet illis iniquitátem ipsórum : et in malítia eórum dispérdet eos : * dispérdet illos Dóminus, Deus noster. 23. And he will render them their iniquity: and in their malice he will destroy them: * the Lord our God will destroy them.
V. Glória Patri, et lio, * et Spirítui Sancto. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen. R. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Ant. Captabunt