DIURNA LAUS Salterio a uso delle comunità di rito
with additional office texts for a) the Body and Blood of Christ b) Exaltation of the Cross c) The Blessed Virgin Mary d)
Office of the Dead
(6th printing, 2000)
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Morning Prayer - Lauds |
WEEk 1 | |||||||
NT Canticle |
Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus |
Benedictus |
Benedictus |
OT Canticle |
Dan 3: (57-88), 56 |
1 Chron 29: (10-13) |
Tob 13: (2-10a) | Judith 16 (1-2a, 13-15) | Jer 31: (10-14) | Isaiah 45: (15-26) | Wisdom 19 (6-12, 22) |
Praise Psalms |
149 + 116 | 28 + 116 | 33 (1-11) + 116 | 46 + 116 | 47 +116 | 99 + 116 | 32 (1-11) + 116 |
Direct Psalm |
62 (2-9) | 5 (2-10, 12-13) | 23 | 35 | 56 | 50 | 94 |
WEEK 2 | |||||||
NT Canticle |
Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus |
OT Canticle |
Dan 3: (57-88), 56 |
Sir 36: (1-7, 13-16) | Isaiah 38: (10-14, 17-20) | Bar 5: (1-9) | Isaiah 12: (1-6) | Job 37: (5-11, 23-24) | Deut 32: (1-12) |
Praise Psalms |
150 + 116 | 18A (1-7) +116 | 64 + 116 | 96 + 116 | 80 + 116 | 147 + 116 | 8 + 116 |
Direct Psalm |
117 (1-9) | 41 | 42 | 76 | 79 (2-8) | 50 | 91 |
WEEK 3 | |||||||
NT Canticle |
Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus |
OT Canticle |
Dan 3: (57-88), 56 |
Isaiah 2: (2-5) |
Is 26: (1-4, 7-9, 12) |
Isaiah 33: (13-16) | Isaiah 40: (10-17) | Jer 14: (17-21) | Wisdom 9: (1-6, 9-11) |
Praise Psalms |
148 + 116 | 95 + 116 | 66 + 116 | 97 + 116 | 98 + 116 | 99 + 116 | 33 (1-11) + 116 |
Direct Psalm |
92 | 83 | 84 | 85 (1-10) | 86 | 50 | 94 |
WEEK 4 | |||||||
NT Canticle |
Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus | Benedictus |
OT Canticle |
Dan 3: (57-88), 56 |
Isaiah 42: (10-16) | Dan 3: (26-27a, 29, 34-41) | Isaiah 61: (10) - 62: (5.) | Isaiah 66: (10-14a) | Tob 13: (10-13, 15, 16b-17a, 18) | Eze 36: (24-28) |
Praise Psalms |
150 + 116 | 134 (1-12) + 116 | 143 (1-10) + 116 | 145 + 116 | 146 + 116 | 147 + 116 | 8 + 116 |
Direct Psalm |
117 (19-29) | 89 (1-8) | 100 | 107 | 142 (1-8) | 50 | 91 |
Midday Prayer |
WEEK 1 |
117 (1-9) 117 (10-18) 117 (19-29)
18B 7 (1-10) 7 (11-18) |
118: (1-8) 12 13 |
118 (9-16) 16 (1-9a) 16 (9b-15) |
118 (17-24) 24 (1-11) 24 (12-22)
27 (1-3, 6-9) |
33 (12-23) |
WEEK 2 |
22 75 (2-7) 75 (8-13) |
118 (41-48) 39 (2-9) 39 (10-14, 17-18) |
118 (49-56) 52 53 (1-6, 8-9) |
118 (57-64) 54 (2-12) 54 (13-15, 17-24) |
118 (65-72) 55 (2-7b, 9-14) |
118 (73-80) 58 (2-5, 10-11, 17-18) 59 |
118 (81-88) 60 63 |
WEEK 3 |
117 (1-9) 117 (10-18) 117 (19-29) |
118(89-96) 70 (1-13) 70 (14-24) |
118 (97-104) 73 (1-12) 73 (13-23) |
118 (105-112) 69 74 |
118 (113-120) 78 (1-5, 8-11, 13) 79 |
21 (2-12) 21 (13-22) 21 (24-32) |
118 (121-128) 65 (1-12) 65 (13-20) |
WEEK 4 |
22 75 (2-7) 75 (8-13) |
118 (129-136) 81 119 |
118 (137-144) 87 (2-8) 87 (9-19) |
118 (145-152) 93 (1-11) 93 (12-23) |
118 (153-160) 127 128 |
118 (161-168) 132 139 (1-9, 13-14) |
118 (169-176) 103 (1-18) 103 (19-35) |
Evening Prayer - Vespers |
WEEK 1 |
Lucernarium |
O viva fiamma | O luce agli occhi miei | Ecce la luce rifulge | La tua raggiante luce | Non sarà piu il fiammeggiare del sole | Risplenderà in quel vespero la luce | Chi crede in me, non reste nelle tenebre |
Psalms |
109 (1-5,7) 113a |
10 14 |
19 20 (2-8, 14) |
26 (1-6) 26 (7-14) |
29 31 |
40 45 |
1 15 |
Canticle | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat |
Baptismal Comm. |
Rev 19: ( 1-7) |
Resp: Con acqua pura... | Resp: Smarriti nell'errore... | Resp: Agnello, che togli il peccato del mondo... | Resp: Sulle tenebre di morte... | Resp: Cristo ci ha liberato... | Eph 1: (3-10) |
WEEK 2 |
Lucernarium |
Luce nuova rifulge | Tu sei mia fortezza e mi speranza | Come la luce dell'alba | Splende una luce nuova | Ritorna, o popolo del Signore | Non si nasconde una lucerna accesa | Se tu vivi con Dio |
Psalms |
2 113b |
44 (2-10) 44 (11-18) |
48 (1-13) 48 (14-21) |
61 66 |
71 (1-11) 71 (12-19) |
114 120 |
112 115 |
Canticle | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat |
Baptismal Comm. | Rev 4: 11; 5: 9, 10, 12 | Resp: Agli occhi spenti dell'anima... | Resp: Puri d'ogni antica colpa... | Resp: Il popolo nelle tenebre has visto.... |
Resp: L'impieto dello Spirit agita l'onde.... |
Resp. Tu che da morte eterna ci liberi.... | Col 1: (12-20) |
WEEK 3 |
Lucernarium |
Un tempo eravamo tenebre | Abbi di noi misericordia, O dio | La luce dei giusti rifulge | Sul mondo oscuro brillerà la luce |
Presso il Signore dimora la luce |
Accendi nella sera la tua fiamma | La tenebra passa |
Psalms |
109 (1-5, 7) 110 |
122 123 |
124 130 |
125 126 |
131 (1-10) 131 (11-18) |
134 (1-12) 134 (13-21) |
121 129 |
Canticle | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat |
Baptismal Comm. | Rev 11: (17-18); 12: (10b-12a) | Resp: La tua parola... | Resp: Noi che lasciamo.... | Resp: Dalla croce di Cristo.... |
Resp. A chi nel deserto.... |
Resp: Chi nel sangue immacolato.... | 1 Pet 2: (21-24) |
WEEK 4 |
Lucernarium |
Nel giorno eterno | Davanti a te perenne è lo splendore | Puro riflesso dell'eterna luce | Alzati e vesti il tuo manto di luce |
Se la notte mi avvolge |
Nella notte del mondo | Che mi segue, ha già vinto le tenebre |
Psalms |
2 111 |
135 (1-9) 135 (10-26) |
136 (1-6) 137 |
138 (1-12) 138 (13-18, 13-24) |
143 (1-8) 143 (9-15) |
144 (1-13) 14414-21) |
141 140 (1-9) |
Canticle | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat | Magnificat |
Baptismal Comm. | Rev 15: (3-4) | Resp: Ogni vecchiezza di peccato... | Resp: Al sacro fonte un divino lavacro.... | Resp: Gesù, Figlio di Dio... | Resp: Gesù, vincitore di Satana... | Resp. Dalla croce zampilla... | Phil 2: (6-11) |
Night Prayer - Compline |
Psalms |
90 | 85 | 142 (1-11) |
30 (2-6) 129 |
15 | 87 |
4 132 |
DIURNA LAUS was compiled and issued in 1981, well before the 5 volume Ambrosian Liturgy of the Hours appeared.
While this psalter schema is configured to be structurally similar to other psalter schemas in these pages, it should be noted that the Ambrosian Rite liturgical day begins with 1st Vespers.
Although this is the psalter schema for the four week Sunday and ferial cycle, there is a flexibility built into the schema which allows for options to expand or to enhance the celebration of the Hours liturgy.
This book does not contain "Sunday propers" as so some of the Roman Rite books which are similar (e.g., in England, A Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer, and in the US, Shorter Christian Prayer).
The additional festal/"common" offices which are included have these psalm schemes:
Feast |
1st Vespers | Lauds | 2nd Vespers |
The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ |
Exaltation of the Cross |
1 The "Gloria Patri" is not added to the psalms and canticles of the Office of the Dead. |
Notes, continued -
The structure of each of these festal/common offices varies slightly.
Midday Prayer, in these feasts and on ordinary days, may be adjusted to provide for prayer at the hours of Terce, Sext and None. Short readings, responsories and prayer are provided for each of these hours. The same is true for ordinary Sundays and weekdays in the psalter.
Additional psalmody is taken from the 33 other "complementary" psalms provided in the Ordinarium.
There is also an additional repertory (similar to an appendix) of various prayer texts which can be substituted within the hours for various seasons or needs.
Additional hymns are also provided. It is always possible to use some of the traditional Latin Ambrosian office chants, published in separate books.
This schema does not include the various prayers which are in each office. There are several for each Vespers and Lauds.
The Praise Psalmody at Lauds is under one antiphon and under one Gloria Patri (after Psalm 116). This is true whether all the psalms are prayed (148, 149, 150 +116) or only one of them (148, 149, 150) + 116. (All of them may always be prayed, but are required only on certain days of the year. Generally, only one of them is chosen + Ps 116).
For the Vespers of the Feasts given above ( The Body and Blood of Christ, The Exaltation of the Cross, and the Blessed Virgin ), the Vespers psalms are all united under one antiphon and one Gloria Patri after the final Psalm (116).
During Vespers, at the Magnificat canticle after the Gloria Patri, the versicle " L'anima mia magnifica il Signore " [Magnificat anima mea Dominum] is recited, followed by the repeated Magnificat antiphon.
In the Office of the Dead, the Goria Patri is not added to the psalms or canticles.
"Short Breviaries" |
(1957) |
Today's Office |
(1957) |
(1957) |
(Background) |
(1957 |
Psalter Schema |
The 1957 Ambrosian Rite Officium Parvum |
(1957) |
Resources and Links |
(1939 Vesperale) |
updated February 7, 2001