June, 2006
This website was begun in
1998, as an introduction to a larger work that would eventually become
a source book for those who have an interest in the breviary and its
The research includes the
help of many wonderful people, many of whom lived through several
decades of this story, and for those who are interested in its
final product, I can tell you that there is "light at the end of the
These pages are really only
a sort of general introduction, a background, to forms of prayer
texts which have several names: "short" breviaries, little
offices, breviaria parva and lay breviaries, among
others. "Breviary" seems to be the name that has survived the
ages, and it is with it that we'll continue here.
Simply, all these are
structured variations of the common liturgical prayer known as The
Divine Office (though its current title is The Liturgy of the
Hours) used in the Roman Catholic and several other churches.
Sections of the Divine Office are prayed at specific moments ("hours")
during a day, and these sections, in turn, have their own names
(officially renamed by the Roman Catholic Church after the reforms of
the Second Vatican Council).
This website, and the book, take a serious look at the
background and history of each of the short breviaries (and its
relationship to the "official" text of the Divine Office), its
compiler(s) and perhaps translator(s), ant and certainly the context
and environment in which it saw
publication.ndts impact
on Catholics a
I have been intrigued by
these texts for most of my life, and even more intrigued by the people
who produced them, who use(d) them, and by how the texts were (or
are) used.
This website, even though it
includes many, many pages of data, is only an internet
introduction is necessarily incomplete. I welcome your questions,
suggestions, thoughts and other comments. And if anything in
these pages confuses you, please don't hesitate to ask for
Theo Keller
about anything in these pages?
[Please include your
e-mail address if you'd like me to respond directly to you.]
Please use this address :
